Friday, December 30, 2011

12/18/11 - last class

Well, we made  it!! Our sunbeams are one year older now!
Sister Merrell and I are so proud of our class and all the achievement that was made during the short time we were together! In the last class we just wrapped around pretty much everything we've learned since October. This year we wish you keep up the great work you are doing learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and enjoy the new class!

your teachers Sister Lopez and Sister Merrell.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Hello, everyone!
Wow, today was such a busy class!
The topic was very important - the Sacrament. Sister Merrell showed pictures of Jesus to the kids, told them stories about him, and at the end the Sunbeams drew Jesus on their papers.
Taygan and Eli were pretty good during the sharing time, but in the class we had a hard time keeping them on task. Emily was extremely quiet today. She did volunteer to say a prayer in the class, but in the whole primary group didn't want to participate in singing. She did a good job listening and drawing. Ben was good. He didin't participate in the whole class activity, but was listening during the story time and answered the questions that Sister Merrell asked him.
We missed John again this week. Hope, he is going good and can't wait to see him again.
Next week snack - Emily.

See you, guys next week :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

11/27/11 and 12/04/11

Hi, all!
I'm so sorry for the delay in updating!
Well, 11/27/11 I wasn't able to stay in class, but Sister Merrell had a wonderful lesson on reverence. The kids were practicing walking reverently inside the chapel, and at the end of class they colored a mouse that they put in their pockets as a reminder of reverence. The class went good. We missed John, though.
 On 12/04/11 We had a lesson on love for music. Sister Merrell read a letter written by another sunbeam (not really :)) to the children about importance of music in our lives. After that we played some quiet music and colored labels for musical instruments. Then I cut them out and glued them on top of the instruments. The kids had fun walking around and shaking them. We missed Emily and John again. Hope, he is doing fine. During the third hour all the kids together had a sharing time with other teachers, because all the primary teachers went to Relief Society meeting. So, here are the pictures from the 12/04/11: